Sunday, January 21, 2018

Implement CRM 365 online or on premise…?

Implement CRM 365 online or on premise…?

For small/Medium Business this is not a question. Budget to buy servers or using VMWare + licenses for CRM, SQL + system are too expensive. The natural answer is CRM online.

Now what about Medium\Large companies…

Big companies with call center (telephone integration) needs faster system, open the forms quickly CRM online can be a problem, too slow the only option is on premise.

CRM online contains latest version of the product with the new features, bug fixing.  

Working with on premise gives the flexibility to work with SSIS (import and export massive data) directly to database, create RDL reports (SQL command) in this case on premise.

Many companies like banks, investment houses cannot export the customer data from the companies outside in this case only on premise can be relevant.

Easy way to upgrade on premise or CRM online depends on the quality of the code, Write only supported and using SDK. In CRM online immediately customer gets the error but in on premise we can install the SP first in development environment, fix code then test environment and if all good in Production.

The conclusion for small/ medium business online can be a good solutions, depend budget, customization, integration code changes.

For large companies for now the only option should be on premise…

Hope in the future Microsoft will improve the performance.

Rami Heleg

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


I would like to delete CRM User and not disable the user.  Because of that I must to remove the current user from some CRM tables.
This is unsupported way for the resolution. Be sure to take a backup of both config DB and CRM DB.

The unsupported command helps to remove this CRM user
  1. Select SystemUserId from systemuser table
Run the next command:
select SystemUserId from SystemUser where DomainName like '%Test\Test%'
Save the guid for all other commands.
  1. Run the next commands in the orgaxniation Db for instance TEMP_MSCRM
DELETE dbo.SystemUserProfiles  where  SystemUserId = 'AAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'
DELETE dbo.UserSettingsBase   where  SystemUserId = 'AAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'
DELETE dbo.QueueMembership  where  SystemUserId = 'AAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'
DELETE dbo.TeamMembership  where  SystemUserId = 'AAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'
DELETE dbo.xnes_auditBase  where  xnes_user = 'AAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'
DELETE dbo.xnes_crmlogBase where  xnes_owner = 'AAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'
DELETE dbo.SystemUserRoles where  SystemUserId = 'AAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'

  1. Run the next command in MSCRM_CONFIG DB
delete   SystemUserOrganizations  where CrmUserId = 'AAAAAAA-BBBB-CCCC-DDDD-EEEEEEEEEEEE'

Needs to IISRESET CRM front servers.
The reason is changes in MSCRM_CONFIG DB


Rami Heleg